Friday, June 28, 2024

What Young People Think (Loyalty Series)

 I spend a lot of time with young people.

Many are doing after school and summer jobs. Some are starting adult work.

Biggest complaint?


Poorly trained, volatile, inconsistent supervisors.

And what contributes most to turnover?  Apparently......


Being on the job the longest does not make one qualified to be a supervisor.

Train, train and retrain.

Supervise the supervisors.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Loyalty - Employment at Will

 Many employers prefer "employment-at-will" (EAW) which allows employers to lay-off or fire employees (with no contract or union) without cause and without notice.

(Subject to federal and state civil rights regulations.)

But many employers expect a two week or more notice from employees when they resign or just plain quit. 

Employers cannot have it both ways. Employers can request a two week notice but generally cannot require a two week notice.

A good relationship with an experienced employment lawyer is a wise investment.

Always be up-to-date with federal and state regulations (and in some cases city regulations).

More to follow. This is not legal advice.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Loyalty Issue

 Loyalty is an ongoing discussion.

Employers want loyalty from employees.

Employee expect some level of loyalty from employers.

Balancing the equation is very very difficult.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Are Video Cameras Now Mandatory?

 Many businesses, especially in small retail, have video camera coverage.

Many, but not all.

Question: Is the risk environment such that every business with live customers and/or employees need video cameras?

Offices? Warehouses? Construction sites? Every place?

We are starting to think the answer is yes. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Answer the Damn Phone!

If you have a business telephone, answer the damn phone.

If you use voicemail,  listen to the messages and promptly return the calls.

If you use email read the emails and answer the emails that require an answer. Promptly.

Just answer the damn phone!!!

(If you cannot tell I am a frustrated consumer at the moment!)