Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Why is your accountant (CPA, EA) a little grumpy?

Why is your accountant a little grumpy and demanding at tax time?

Some of it is because tax time runs at least from January 1 through October 15th these days.

Some of it is because tax preparation technology is complex and expensive.

Some of it is because business client bookkeeping is often an amateurish mess.

Some of it is because the federal tax law has been turned into a really complex snarl.

Some of it is because clients are late with documentation.

Some of it is because clients bring messy documents.

Some of it is because clients do transactions and then ask for tax advice.

Some of it is because clients have unreasonable expectations about turnaround time.

Some of it is because clients want excellent work for low prices.

Some of it is because clients take bad tax advice from amateurs and do dumb things.